a TeMPLe of WoRDS

I am an avid reader, beautiful screamer, and lover of big words; a book editor (MeghanH Editing) and a book blogger (Meghan's House of Books).  Any free moment I have, you'll find me reading - especially now that I have gotten back into the reading thing, after far too long being unable to concentrate on anything (have you ever had to force yourself to do something that you have always loved?  it's aGoNy!!).  My taste in books is rather eclectic, so much so that friends have actually commented on it.  I'm honest about what I like and what I don't like, but I'm never rude when I'm giving my opinion (that's just not how southerners do it).  I absolutely love discussing anything book related, so don't hesitate to strike up a conversation.

She who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten

Traveling Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Divine Mercy Sunday AKA Three Churches in One Day

So... I have had another blog for a couple of years now, and used to use it to share my horrible anti-poetry with the few people in the world who relate to horrible anti-poetry (haha).  Over the last couple of months, I removed all that and started playing around with another idea - more of a personal thing to talk about anything and everything I want to talk about.


I have a whole list of things to write about, and I may not get my posts written as timely as I would like, but I'm gradually getting through the Bucket List adventures I've had so far this year.


Check it out, if you want.  Let me know what you think.  

Source: http://beautiful-screamer.blogspot.com/2018/06/2018-bucket-list-8-traveling-image-of.html

May: A Recap

My month of May was pretty exciting, with another trip to Orlando and several books read.


How was yours?

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com/2018/06/may-recap.html

Facebook: The Bane of Society

I also wrote a post on how much I hate Facebook on that other blog I've been playing around with haha.  If you're interested, that is.


I know I know.  I should be writing reviews.  I'm working on that haha.

Source: http://beautiful-screamer.blogspot.com/2018/05/facebook-bain-of-society.html

Ratings... Am I Doing It All Wrong?

I've been thinking a lot about book ratings lately, and even had a long conversation with my mother about them (of course, we disagreed), so I decided to write a blog post about it.  I'd love to hear y'all's opinions on the subject.

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com/2018/05/letter-from-editor-ratings-am-i-doing.html

Show of hands - Who likes to read YA?

I ask because a) I'm curious, as I like a lot of them as well, and find it interesting to talk to people who feel the same way that I do, and b) I have an author friend who is looking for people to read one of her's.


Now, before you get all huffed at me, I very rarely do this, and she is an established author who is published by Red Adept Publishing, so she's not one of THOSE authors that you don't want to get involved with.  I am not in any way setting up a blog tour, and she isn't either - just wanted to know if I knew any reviewers/bloggers who might want to give her a-go.


Her name is Kelley Bowles and I am currently reading the second book of a cozy mystery (starring two teachers).  I've really enjoyed both of them.  I think she's got some talent - if I didn't, I wouldn't even ask.


If you're interested, feel free to message me below or shoot me a message... or shoot her a message and drop my name.


If not, trust me, there is no worries at all.  I know how we all are about reading and you have to really want to read it and it be up your alley and she's not setting a specific time or anything like that.


Title: Down in the Belly of the Whale

Author: Kelley Kaye Bowles

Genre: Young Adult

Sub-Genres: Suicide; Values & Virtues; Diseases, Illnesses & Injuries

Publisher: Aionios Books, LLC

Publication date: 5.5.2018

Pages: 241

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Down-Belly-Whale-Kelley-Bowles-ebook/dp/B079KR6Z17/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1526096926&sr=8-1&keywords=kelley+bowles


My very first EVER guest post

My friend Amanda, who is an author and editor, asked me to do a guest post on her blog about the way authors should interact with bloggers.  I hope I did a good job.  I gave them a lot of information, but cut out so many more pages where I rambled on and on hahahahaha.  


Anyways, check it out if you're interested. 


Do you agree with me?  Did I leave out anything important?

Source: http://amandamlyons.weebly.com/blog/author-etiquette-professionally-seeking-reviewers

April: A Recap

I saw that other bloggers did this, and it caught my interest, so I thought I'd give it a try.  Not too bad considering it was my first recap post ever hahaha.  And now off to write some reviews (I have a handful or two... our four haha).


I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!  I started a new diet today and am shocked upon shocked that my body has not once tried to convince me that it's starving haha.

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com/2018/05/april-recap.html


Am I the only one who is super obsessed about the organization of my TBR pile?  And I'm not just talking about the books that I have that are r2rs.  I mean ALL books.  My bookshelves, too.  It's insane.  I want a list, with all the pertinent information, that I can change the order of, whether it be because I'm looking for a specific genre or author, to help me decide what I'm reading next.  


I think I may have a problem.


In other words, the month of April is almost over.  Its been all about Disney and fairy tales/fairy tale remakes this month, and I have some more that I want to finish (keep your fingers crossed).  Next month will be a month of mysteries - I'm psyched about that.

And then there's this book...

Sitting down to write this as a blog post early this morning, I realized what my issue is, and why I come out being so "nice" when I'm complaining about a book.  In order to really get down and dirty about it, I have to give away spoilers, and I hate giving away spoilers, but I can always just warn that there are spoilers.


There are spoilers.  There's your warning.  Even if I'm not necessarily telling you the name of the book or the author.


I'm reading another Disney villain series, a YA, one that was picked up by Disney and turned into a television series (and apparently two TV movies), which I just found out about when I was making a list of Disney movies for my mom.


I really enjoyed the first book, even if I thought the ending was a little TOO easy and had a few other issues with it.  It's a YA, and I'm not making excuses for YA, but some of them seem to be directed towards younger ages, and parts of this book seemed to be that way.  Not the whole thing, though, which was strange.  And to be honest, I happen to like YAs and have read lots of them that work for both kids and adults, so I really should be ticked that this YA seemed to dumb itself down for the kids, but that's a whole other story.


I took a break to read another book, finished that, and started the second book of the series last night.


I'm only a few chapters in, so I'm not necessarily frustrated with the book, but I AM frustrated with the story that was lost.


Ya see, they start out on an island, these villains (well, children of villains) with their parents and come across some "magic," something that had been outlawed twenty or so years earlier when the villains were exiled to this island. The end, like I said, is rather easy, but there is still no magic.


All of a sudden, though, between book one and book two, magic has somehow invaded the world again, because there is this big battle between the head villain, and it's these four kids that save the day (i.e. save the good guys from their bad parents).


Yes, you read that correctly.  BETWEEN book one and book two.  I only know about this event because there are two pages at the beginning of book two (an introduction of sorts) that explain (TWO WHOLE FLIPPING PAGES ABOUT THIS EPIC BATTLE THAT I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO HAVE READ) why the kids are "good" now and living on the main land with the goods, sans their evil parents.


What the hell?


When I begin a series, I go by the book description of book one in deciding whether this is a series for me.  This series makes me feel like I should have read all the descriptions before beginning, but then I would have been dealing with spoilers and the story wouldn't have been so intriguing as I went through.  But really?  This series began as villain kids on an adventure for a villain parent and they are all being really villainy (well, not really, because they're sort of lame in their villainy, but they are kids, and this is YA, but they are the children of some of the most awesome villains, so you would think that they would be more villainy, but maybe they just didn't seem very villainy considering they are surrounded by other villains).  Yeah, they become friends (something villains don't have), but I wanted to continue a series where they are villains, and maybe grow up to be even better villains than their parents, and that maybe evil would finally win and take over (don't get me wrong, I really like the good, too, but I feel like a lot of times the villains are a let down because they lose so easily to things like love and simple mistakes that you would think really horrible villains just would not make).  I did not want to learn all about their high school life with the goods, and how the main villain kid is now in a relationship (because they're in looooooooooooove) with the main good kid, who is now king.


Even more so, there are things from the first book that were not explained, but now are just "fact."  Like, they were dreaming about each other before they even met.  Why?  Don't tell me that this is one of those "meant to be" sort of things.  The only real anything was when he realized that him and his ex-girlfriend (while they were still together and dancing and she was singing their song, "Once Upon a Dream") were not meant to be because he never dreamed about her, but he did dream about this other girl, and the story almost begins with her dreaming about some random prince.


I am at a part where they are being called back to their island by some mysterious messages, so I have high hopes, but I can't believe this epic battle is just sort of washed under the bridge like that.


I'm fixing to give up on series that involve Disney characters, which will suck because I have a lot of them on my Kindle...

Birthday and shtuffff...

So, I just celebrated my 41st birthday a couple of days ago, and I celebrated it in the most awesome place I could think of - Disney World.  My mother's birthday is two days before mine, and it was so amazing being able to spend the week with her and at the happiest place on earth.  So many people wished us a happy birthday (you get a pin with your name on it saying that it's your special day) and people at restaurants went above and beyond to make sure that it was a great one for us.  The hotel even surprised us with a balloon, a card, and two Minnie Mouse mugs full of candy and sweet treats when we came back from our first day at the parks.  It truly was wonderful and I plan on spending every birthday there haha.

            I liked it so much, that I'm going back for a few days in May.  Shh... I haven't told anyone yet haha.


Because of the vacation, I decided that this month would be about reading "Disney" books.  Unfortunately, if you saw the rant, the one about Walt Disney (Walt Before Mickey) turned out to be truly awful, but I read Isle of the Lost (the first in the Descendants series, which apparently has become a Disney animated series that I had never heard about before) and have just begun Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen.

            It feels great to read again.   Like, I can't even put in words how great it is... to be able to just sit there and read and read and before I know it, it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm 67% of the way through.  I hope that this continues.


I just found out that the author I recently finished an edit with liked my way of doing things so much that he wants me to edit his next book, the second of a series he's been working on, and I should be receiving the manuscript next month.

            I can't tell you how much this makes my day.  Editing is something I have wanted to do since I was very little, something that I got an education for (and I continue my education yearly, something I don't have to do, but choose to do).  It's a hard thing to do, though, in times like these where anyone and everyone can say they are an editor, with no education, just because they wrote a book or decided that they might like to make money "reading."  It's absolutely lovely to have someone I worked with be so excited to have me edit again.  (I've had authors continue to use me before, but this one had so much praise for me and my work, that I just can't stop smiling.)


Speaking of editing, every year since I began Hyde 'n' Seek Editing, I have offered a birthday discount to anyone interested.  It started a few days before we went to Orlando, and ends at 11:59pm on the 22nd, though I might extend it a bit, just to make sure no one misses out.  I've had a few takers, but if y'all know anyone interested in getting their manuscripts edited, please pass on my information to them.  They can find me on Hyde 'n' Seek's business page on Facebook, message me on my personal page there, contact me here, or email me at hyde.n.seek.editing@gmail.com.  The discount is 12% because my birthday is the 12th, which may not seem like very much, but if you do the math, a 100,000 word manuscript would cost $900 with me, but during the sale, it would be $792, which is a nice savings.


I want to say that it is getting easier and easier to come back here, and I appreciate everyone making me feel welcome again.  I've even spent some time on Goodreads, and feel more and more comfortable in both places.  Boy have I missed these places.

My second DNF ever in my lifetime

I have tried to sit down with this book over thirty times, and each time I just grew more frustrated with the whole thing.  I went to my blog to complain and vent and really just throw things... but ended up being way too nice about the whole thing (I really need to work on that haha).


What do you do when you DNF a book?


Do you review it?  Vent about it on your blog (either here or elsewhere)?  Throw your Kindle (or reading method of choice) across the room?

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com/2018/04/such-disappointment-book-vent.html

I Am the Absolute WORST Book Blogger

To be honest, I can't even really call myself that anymore, not with a straight face.  It has been SO long since I've been an actual blogger - and not just posting interviews, other people's works, and the odd review - that I seem to have forgotten how to do it.


Blogging is NOT like riding a bike.  You do forget what you're doing, and how to do it.  I have tried so many times... and fallen off more times than I can count.


I miss here, and I miss Goodreads.  I miss having actual conversations about books.  I miss reading people's post about books.  I miss seeing what my friends are reading, and sharing in their happiness when they finished a book they loved, or in their anger when they wasted their time on a book with a horrible ending.  I miss griping about characters.


I miss y'all.


I have tried to come back a couple of times, but was always afraid to stay longer than just a little bit, because I... I don't know... I just feel like I don't belong here anymore.


I feel like I don't belong anywhere.


I let someone ruin blogging for me, ruin reading for me, ruin the whole book world for me... someone who never deserved to be in my world in the first place, someone so afraid of failing that he had to ruin the people around him so that he would look like the greatest.  It hurt a lot because I considered this person a friend, and hurt even more when I found out that people who I also considered friends were believing his lies about me.


So I came over to share links... and then ran away like the coward I am.


I would like to come back, if y'all will have me.


I can't promise it won't be hard for me, but I will promise that I will try.

A break from social media + The Gal's Halloween Frivolities

This spur-of-the-moment move to Florida has been quite stressful, but absolutely amazing, and definitely what I needed in my life.  Getting the house fixed up and furnished has been time consuming, and it's finally almost complete.  BUT... that left me needing a break from social media... even though I had just come back to some of them (i.e. BookLikes and Goodreads).


I didn't stop posting on The Gal in the Blue Mask, though, so if you follow the link, you'll get to see all the Author Interviews and Character Interviews that have been posted while I was gone.


I have them going up until the middle of the month, and then I will begin my Christmas Takeover stories.  There were a LOT of authors interested in participating via interviews this year.  I'm loving this.

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com

The gal's 2017 Halloween Frivolities - Day 9, 10, and 11

Things have been CRaZy so I haven't had the chance to post the links the last few days.  If you follow the link provided, it will take you to my blog, where you will find...


Day 9 - An author interview and character interview with Jay Wilburn


Day 10 - An author interview and character interview with the Sisters of Slaughter (Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason)


Day 11 - An author interview and character interview with Duncan P. Bradshaw



And there's much more to come... :)


Let me know what y'all are thinking about those character interviews.  Their new on my site, and I'm absolutely loving them, but I want feedback haha.

Source: http://www.the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com

2017 Halloween Frivolities - Day 8

Today brings you author Lex Jones, with a second author interview AND a character interview with Kayla, a character from a short story with the same name you can find in Sparks: An Electric Anthology, and proceeds go to a charity, so check it out!

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com

The gal's 2017 Halloween Frivolities - Day 7

Today, for day 7, I give you John Wayne Comunale AND Jack Wallen.  I met both of these guys earlier this year at Scares That Care and I'm so glad that I did.  So excited for y'all to get to know them better.

Source: http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com