Skinny Bitch - Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin I have actually read this book three times. If you are interested in weight loss and the food that you are putting into your mouth, it's a good read - full of sarcasm and wit, plus a lot of things you may not know about. One day, while my sister and I were living together, she looked up at my bookshelf while we were sitting on the couch (there was a shelf on either side, each of us had one) to find a book that she wanted to read. The title alone made her want to read it. Later on this same day, as we both sat on the couch enjoying the peace and quiet of our day off reading books, she looked at me and said, "Meghan, I think we should be vegetarians," something I had already been thinking in my head, but was unsure how she would take it. To this day, I am still a vegetarian, not completely because of this book, but partly because of a few things I read in this book and then researched more, so be forewarned, it can be very descriptive.