Stolen Sharpie Revolution

When this book came in the mail, it was delivered in a shipping envelope from the author, and the only thing I really knew about it is what Sage told me. It really was not what I expected at all. This is like the cutest little book ... ever. It's small, like the size of my hand. When you see it, your first thought is "aww," but then you quickly realize that this is REALLY cool.
This, plus SHARPIES (did you hear the angels singing "Hallelujah"? Yes ... THAT happened!) and the fact that she uses one of the most awesome words in the HISTORY of awesome words - "mercurial" - I was completely hooked on this book from the very first pages. Alex Wrekk, WE can be friends. Totally. Hang out sometime. Hell, I'll even let you bother ... um ... use ... um ... let's be honest, you can stand in the same room with my Sharpie collection, but don't even THINK about touching them haha.
This book is VERY informative and includes how-tos and points on all aspects of zine creation and the zine community. It is nicely written by someone who obviously loves zines and wants to help others create something beautiful as well. It's a creative book - very aesthetically pleasing - and she points out that she made it look the way she wants, the way she does her zines, but this doesn't have to be the way that you do your zine because are a very personal thing. I think this book is great for people who are just starting out in the zine community, but also for people who are already in it, especially because of the resources she includes in it (and on her website).
Note: I received a copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Please remember that this review is my opinion based on my own personal impression of the book.
You can find my pre-review story on The Gal in the Blue Mask (http://the-gal-in-the-blue-mask.blogspot.com/2015/02/review-stolen-sharpie-revolution.html)