How Will You Carve Your Pumpkin?

How Will You Carve Your Pumpkin? - L.T. Baker

3 1/2 stars


This was a really cute story, but (yes, there's a but) I didn't like the way it ended and I don't think it's a good book for kids over the age of 5 or 6. The artwork is well done. It's lots of different faces that you can carve on your pumpkin, but done in a very creative way. I think if there had been some more faces and more thought put into the end, this could have definitely been a 5 star book. But as it is, it just seemed to fall flat.


The kids loved being able to see the different faces and, even after we put this book away, talked about the kind of faces that they could put on their own pumpkins at home. As a follow-up for the story, I gave them orange pumpkins made out of construction paper along with plates of all kinds of things that they could use to decorate them. When we were done, we created our own "How Will You Carve Your Pumpkin Book?" which we have in our reading area. It was really neat to watch them compare this book with the one we created.