How to Prepare for Old Age

How To Prepare for Old Age: Without Taking the Fun Out of Life - Bernard Otis

This is book is something else. Not only does it give some really great advice, which can be used yourself or with older family members, but it also is full of Bernie's special kind of humor, humor that I absolutely loved. He had me laughing - and there were moments, like when he spoke about his wife, where I could really feel the love that he has for her.


He has a beautiful way of writing and telling a story, drawing me in and tugging at my heartstrings from the very beginning - his dedication page is probably one of the best dedication pages I have ever read. He "broke the rules" to tell his readers about his beautiful wife, the person who led him to be what he is now, and the person who encouraged him to write this book - and it's the kind of love story that I wish to one day find myself.


No matter how old you are, this is definitely a book to read - not only to help you be prepared for the things that will come in your future, but to help you with the way you look at things. It definitely gave me a different perspective on the life I have in front of me.